How You Can Help
- If you are a non-registered American of Lebanese descent, or if you have a non-registered child/marriage, you need to act now... it all starts by filling out and submitting the form under Request Info. The rest is even easier, and we will help you all the way. You can also contact us by mail, email, or phone. We will supply instructions and an overview. Forms are available from Consular websites. Check our "Start Here" page for more details.
- If you are already registered or not even in the US, we need YOUR help too! Share our website. Follow us on Facebook & Twitter. Spread the word. Encourage your friends and relatives to join our efforts!
- We need your help to build Connections and Networks.
- We need your help to find non-registered people of Lebanese descent.
- We need your help to encourage them to obtain status in Lebanon and register their key life events.
Share with us your innovative ideas. Let's team up to make this project a success!
We are counting on your help.
Alone, we cannot do much.
Together, we can do wonders!
Lebanon needs this vast reservoir of goodwill as it struggles to
retain its sovereignty and independence!
Director: Nada Salem Abisamra
Contact: Tel: (917) 755-0499 || Email:
Last updated: Jun 14th 2015